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The English Japanese Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institution in Japan. In this page, there are 50 words from POISON to RUBELLA, these words are used to expressing your feelings and conditions to dentists and doctors. Could you explain pollen allergy in Japanese? So you could find the meanings of pore-clogging dirt, poverty of blood, prickly heat, protruding lower jaw, pulpitis, pyorrhea and so on in Japanese.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

Japanese Expressing Feelings And Conditions: poison → rubella

English nihongo/ Japanese 日本語
poison doku
polio shoni mahi 小児マヒ
pollen allergy kafunsho 花粉症
polyp poripu ポリープ
polyp ryukisei byohen 隆起性病変
pore-clogging dirt keana no yogore 毛穴の汚れ
postpartum sango 産後
poverty of blood hinketsu 貧血
pregnancy ninshin 妊娠
pregnancy toxemia ninshin chudoku sho 妊娠中毒
pregnant ninshin site iru 妊娠している
premature birth sozan 早産
pre-menstrual syndrome kekkkei mae shokogun 月経前症候群
prenatal sanzenno 産前の
pressed appaku kan 圧迫感
pricking chikuchiku suru チクチクする
prickly heat asemo あせも
progenia kagaku tosshutsu sho 下顎突出症
progenia hantai kogo 反対咬合
prognosis yogo 予後
prognosis chirogo no keika 治療後の経過
prostate cancer zenritusen gan 前立腺がん
protruding lower jaw ukekuchino 受け口の
psychosomatic disease shinshinsho 心身症
pull a muscle niku banare wo okosu 肉離れを起こす
pulpitis shizuien 歯髄炎
purulence kano 化膿
purulence umu 膿む
purulent kanoseino 化膿性の
purulent umi no deru 膿の出る
push ikimu いきむ
putrefaction fuhai 腐敗
pyelitis jinuen 腎盂炎
pyogenic umi no deru 膿の出る
pyogenic kanoseino 化膿性の
pyorrhea shiso noro 歯槽膿漏
pyorrheic shiso noro no 歯槽膿漏の
pyorrheal shiso noro no 歯槽膿漏の
pyosis kano 化膿
pyosis umu 膿む
pyrexia hatsunetsu 発熱
pyrosis muneyake 胸やけ
queasy hakike ga suru 吐き気がする
queasy mukatsuki ga suru むかつきがする
quick-tempered okorippoi 怒りっぽい
radiation burn houshasen kasho 放射線火傷
razor nick kamisori kizu 剃刀傷
reddish akakunaru 赤くなる
renal calculus jinzo kesseki 腎臓結石
rhinitis bien 鼻炎
rhinolalia hanagoe 鼻声
ringworm hakusen 白癬
rough kibun no warui 気分の悪い
rough tsukarekitta 疲れ切った
rough zarazara shita ザラザラした
rubella fushin 風疹
rubella mikka bashika 三日ばしか

Sample Sentences

allergy to pollen / pollen allergy

  • Some say, stresses can cause allergies. I have an allergy to pollen. Do you have any allergies? Is there anything you could not eat and drink bacause of allergies?
  • sutoresu ga arerugi no genin dato iu hito mo imasu. watashi wa kafun arerugi dakedo, anataha nanika arerugi ga arimasuka?arerugi ga genin de tabetari nondari dekinai mono wa arimasuka?
  • ストレスがアレルギーの原因だと言う人もいます。私は花粉アレルギーだけど、アナタは何かアレルギーがありますか?アレルギーが原因で食べたり飲んだりできない物はありますか?
  • Don't rub your eyes even if you have bleary eyes from pollen allergy.
  • kafun sho de me ga kasundemo me wo kosutte wa ikemasen.
  • 花粉症で目がかすんでも、目をこすってはいけません。

pore-clogging dirt

  • I want to know how to remove remove the pore-clogging dirt of my face.
  • keana no yogore wo toru houhou wo shiritai desu.
  • 毛穴の汚れを取る方法を知りたいです。

pull a muscle

  • When he jogged for a first time in a long time, he pulled his muscle.
  • hisashiburi de jogingu shitara, niku banare wo okoshimashita.
  • 久しぶりでジョギングをしたら、肉離れを起こしました。


  • He is worried about his terrible halitosis because he knows he has severe pyorrhea.
  • kare wa hidoi shisonoro dato shitteiru node jibun no koshu ga hidoi koto wo shinpai shiteimasu.
  • 彼はひどい歯槽膿漏だと知っているので、自分の口臭をきにしています。
  • My gum is swollen. Is it pyorrhea?
  • haguki ga hareteru. shisonoro kana?
  • 歯茎が腫れてる。歯槽膿漏かな?


  • You are sniffing now, do you have rhinitis?
  • hana wo susutteru kedo, bien?
  • 鼻をすすってるけど、 鼻炎?
  • No, I always have runny nose after swimming in the pool. Do you have any tissue? I would like to blow my nose.
  • iie, puru de oyoida atowa itsumo hanamizu ga demasu. tisshu aru? hana kami tai desu.
  • いいえ、プールで泳いだ後はいつも鼻水がでます。ティッシュあります?鼻かみたい!


  • Mother's hands are dry and rough from washing dishes everyday, especially in winter she got chapped in her hands .
  • haha no te mainichi no shokkiarai de kanso shiteite zarazara desu, tokuni fuyu wa te ga akagirete imasu.
  • 母の手は毎日の食器洗いで乾燥していてザラザラです。特に冬は手があかぎれています。
  • My son's skin got sunburn while surfing, and it is rough to touch..
  • musuko no hada wa safin de hiyake siteru kara zarazara desu..
  • 息子の肌はサーフィンで日焼けしてるからザラザラです。