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The English Japanese Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institution in Japan. It is very difficult to explain your wants and conditions at the medical institutions, especially words expressing body parts are difficult. In this page, we specially provide the words expressing body parts, so there are 50 words from CANINE TOOTH to EYE BALL below in the list. Do you know what capillary is called in Japanese? So you could find the meanings of cell, cervical vertebrae, cheek, cochlea, cornea, cuspid, dental pulp and so on in Japanese.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

Japanese At Dental Offices : canine tooth → eye ball

English nihongo/ Japanese 日本語
canine tooth kenshi 犬歯
canine tooth itokiriba 糸切り歯
capillary mosaikekkan 毛細血管
carpals shukonkotsu 手根骨
carpus hikotsu 腓骨
cartilage nankotsu 軟骨
cecum mocho 盲腸
cell saibo 細胞
cerebellum shono 小脳
cerebrum daino 大脳
cervical vertebrae keitsui 頸椎
cervix shikyukeibu 子宮頚部
cervix shikyuko 子宮口
cheek hoho
cheek hoppeta ほっぺた
cheekbone hobone 頬骨
cheilion kokaku 口角
chest mune
chin ago
clavicle sakotsu 鎖骨
coccyx biotsu 尾骨
cochlea kagyu 蝸牛
cochlea uzumakikan 渦巻き管
cornea kakumaku 角膜
cranial nerve noshinkei 脳神経
cranium zugaikotsu 頭蓋骨
cranter daisankyushi 第三臼歯
cuspid kenshi 犬歯
cuspid itokiriba 糸切り歯
cutis hifu 皮膚
dental pulp shizui 歯髄
dental tubercle koto 咬頭
dentinal canal zoge saikan 象牙細管
dentine zogeshitsu 象牙質
dermis shinhi 真皮
diaphragm okakumaku 横隔膜
duodenum junishicho 十二指腸
ear mimi
eardrum komaku 鼓膜
earlobe mimitabu 耳たぶ
elbow hiji ひじ
enamel enameru shitsu エナメル質
epidermis hyohi 表皮
epiglottis intogai 咽頭蓋
esophagus shokudo 食道
extensor carpi radialis syukon shinkin 手根伸筋
extensor digitorum longus choshi shinkin 長指伸筋
external oblique gaifuku shakin 外腹斜筋
eye me
eye muscles gankin 眼筋
eyeball gankyu 眼球
eyeball medama 目玉

Sample Sentences

canine tooth

  • My left lower canine tooth is so sensitive that I cannot eat sweet and cold foods like ice cream, maybe I have hyperesthesia on the tooth.
  • watasi no hidari sita no kenshi (itokiriba) wa binkan sugite, watasi wa amakute tsumetai aisukurimu no yona tabemono ga taberare masen, tabun tikaku kabin sho no yo desu.
  • 私の左下の犬歯(糸切り歯)は敏感すぎて、甘くて冷たいアイスクリームのような食べ物が食べられません、たぶん知覚過敏症なのでしょう。
  • The lower left canine tooth you had cured last week suddenly began to hurt. When can I take an appointment that you have the earliest one? Please tell me that the earliest opening you have.
  • senshu chiryo site itadaita hidari shita no kenshi ga totsuzen itami hajime mashita, itiban hayai yoyaku wa itsu nara tore masuka? ichiban hayai aiteiru jikan wo osiete kudasai.
  • 先週治療して頂いた左下の犬歯が突然痛み始めました。一番早い予約は、いつならとれますか? 一番早い空いている時間を教えて下さい。


  • I had a gash on my cheek, but the scar healed up perfectly and hardly show anymore, so it looks like as similar to razor nicks.
  • hoho ni hukai kizu ga attakedo imadewa kanpekini kiete hotondo medachimasen, so kamisori kizu teido ni miemasu.
  • 頬に深い傷があったけど、今では完璧に消えていて、ほとんど目立ちません。そう、剃刀傷程度に見えます。


  • When I see her, my chest feels tight. I think I'm going to collapse from a heart attack.
  • kanojo ni au to, mune ga kurushiku naru. shinzo hossa de taore soda.
  • 彼女に会うと胸が苦しくなる。心臓発作で倒れそうだ。


  • Let's take some exercise to help to lunch settled out. Recently I am gaining much weight, so I've got a double chin, I began work out to lose my weight.
  • hirugohan no hara gonashi ni sukoshi undo wo shimasho. saikin kanari futocchatene, nijuago ni natte shimaimashita. yaseru tame ni undo wo hajime mashita.
  • 昼ごはんの腹ごなしに少し運動をしましょう。最近かなり太っちゃってね、二重顎になってしまいました。痩せるために運動をはじめました。
  • You are look healthy after you lost your weight, a friend of mine who lost 30kg was not like you. Though she lost her flabby double chin, her skin sagged down.
  • genryo shita atonanoni kenko so desune. sanju kiro genryo shita tomodachi wa anata no yo de nakatta. shimarinonai nijuago wa nakunatta kedo, hifu wa hari ga nakunari mashita.
  • 減量した後なのに健康そうですね。30キロ減量した友達はあなたの様ではなかった。締まりのない二重顎はなくなったけれど、皮膚はハリがなりました。


  • There are swabs prepared for visitors to clean their ears in front of mirrors in Gym's powder room. The visitors swab their ears to remove the ear wax.
  • supotsu kurabu no datsuijo no kagami no maeni, mimi soji no tameno menbo ga youi sarete imasu. kyaku wa mimiaka tori ni menbode mimi kaki wo simasu.
  • スポーツクラブの脱衣所の鏡の前に耳掃除のための綿棒が用意されています。客は耳垢取りに綿棒で耳かきをします。
  • There are some expressions of tinnitus, such as singing, ringing, buzzing and drumming in their ears.
  • mimi nari ni tsuite no hyo gen mo iro iro arimasu, utagoe, beru no oto, mushi no haoto, taiko no oto ga mimi de suru nado desu.
  • 耳鳴りについての表現も色々あります、歌声、ベルの音、虫の羽音、太鼓の音が耳でするなどです。


  • I used to scratch my elbows and knees a lot in my childhood.
  • kodomonokoro wa hiji ya hizani yoku surikizu ga arimashita.(surikizu ga taenakatta)
  • 子供の頃は肘や膝によく擦り傷がありました。(擦り傷がたえなかった)


  • Don't rub your eyes even if you have bleary eyes from pollen allergy.
  • kafun sho de me ga kasundemo me wo kosutte wa ikemasen.
  • 花粉症で目がかすんでも、目をこすってはいけません。
  • My eyes were bleary, and things had looked distorted and dimmed to my eyes until I went to the oculist. The eye doctor said it's eyestrain, I had to stop overworking, fatigue shows up in your eyes. He added that I had better take a vacation. So I talked to my boss to take a week off.
  • meisha san ni iku made, me ga shoboshobo shi, mono ga yugandari, kasunde mie mashita.meisha san wa tsukareme desu, hataraki sugi wa yamemasho, tsukare ga meni deteimasu to ii, yasumi wo totta hoga ii to iu node, isshukan yasumi wo kureru yo ni joshi ni ii mashita.      
  • 目医者さんに行くまで、目がショボショボし、物が歪んだりかすんで見えたました。眼医者さんは疲れ目です、働き過ぎはやめましょう、疲れが目にでていますと言いした。休みを取った方がいいというので、一週間休暇をくれるように上司に言いました。
  • The smarting disappeared when the ophthalmologist washed my eyes out with water, and he said the inflammation would subside in a week.
  • gankai ni me wo aratte morattara hirihirishita itami ga tore, isshukan de ensho mo osamaru daro to iimashita.
  • 眼科医に目を洗ってもらったらヒリヒリした痛みがとれ、一週間で炎症も治まるだろうと言いました。
  • You are reading newspaper with your eyes slightly open. Do you have any vision problems?
  • anata wa me wo hosomete shinbun wo yonde masu. shiryoku ni nanika mondai ga arimasu ka?      
  • アナタは目を細めて新聞を読んでいます。視力に何か問題がありますか?