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The English Japanese Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institution in Japan. In this page, there are 50 words from SYNTHETIC RESIN to THUMB. Do you know what sstubble is called in Japanese? You could find the meanings of syringe, tablet, tartar, teeth, temple, tendovaginitis and so on in Japanese.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

General Words in madical institutions : synthetic resin → thumb

English nihongo/ Japanese 日本語
synthetic resin gosei jushi 合成樹脂
syphilis baidoku 梅毒
syringe chushaki 注射器
tablet jozai 錠剤
taboo tabu タブー
taboo kinki 禁忌
take a breath kokyu suru 呼吸をする
take an ECG shindenzu wo toru 心電図をとる
take an electrocardiogram shindenzu wo toru 心電図をとる
take a false step ashi wo fumi hazusu 足を踏み外す
take blood saiketsu suru 採血する
talk hanasu 話す
talus kyokotsu 距骨
tan hiyake suru 日焼けする
tanning hiyake 日焼け
tap tataku 叩く
tarsals sokkonkotsu 足根骨
tartar shiseki 歯石
taste mikaku 味覚
technician gikoshi 技工士
technician gishi 技師
teeth ha
temple komekami こめかみ
temporary treatment okyu shochi 応急処置
tender binkanna 敏感な
tendon suji
tendon ken
tendovaginitis kenshoen 腱鞘炎
tension kincho 緊張
teres major daienkin 大円筋
teres minor shoenkin 小円筋
test kensa 検査
testicles kogan 睾丸
testis kogan 睾丸
tetanus hashofu 破傷風
the five major nutrients godai eiyoso 五大栄養素
therapeutic agent chiryoyaku 治療薬
therapy ryoho 療法
thermal burn nessho 熱傷
thermometer taionkei 体温計
thigh momo
thigh futomom 太もも
third sanban 三番
third sanbanme 三番目
thirst kawaki 渇き
throat into 咽頭
throat nodo
throat lonzenge nodoame のど飴
throb zukizuki itamu ズキズキ痛む
throb dokidoki suru ドキドキする
throw up haku 吐く
throw up oto 嘔吐
thrush koku kanjida sho 口腔カンジダ症
thumb oyayubi 親指

Sample Sentences


  • During summer vacation, I worked at beach as a lifeguard, I got tanned too much and my back itched and peeled off, too.
  • natsuyasumi ni umi de raifugado wo yattara sugoku hiyakeshite senaka ga kayui shi kawa mo mukete masu.
  • 夏休みに海でライフガードをやったら、すごく日焼けして、背中がかゆくて、皮もむけました。


  • After shaving, the barbar always taps my shoulder.
  • higesori no ato, tokoya san wa itumo katatataki wo shite kuremasu.
  • ヒゲ剃りの後、床屋さんはいつも肩たたきをしてくれます。


  • There is some bloody discharge from your gums, and you have much tartar on your teeth, too.
  • shiniku kara shukketsu shiteimasu, soreni shiseki mo tamatte imasu.
  • 歯肉から出血しています、それに歯石も溜まっています。
  • Oh, yes! I know my gums bleed when I brush my teeth. And also I worry about my bad breath. Is it periodontal disease, isn't it?
  • sonandesu! ha wo migaku tokini haguki kara chi gadeteiru no ha shitteimasu. soreni koshu ga kininari masu. shishu byo desukane?
  • そうなんです!歯を磨く時に歯ぐきから血が出ているのは知っています。それに口臭が気になります。歯周病ですか?
  • Let me have a look inside your mouth. Do you smoke? There are a lot of tartar and tabacco stains in your mouth. You have all nicotine-stained teeth in your mouth. You had better give up smoking to cure your bad breath.
  • okuchi no naka wo misede kudasai. tabako wo suimasuka? okuchi no naka ga shiseki to tabako no yani de ippai desu. zenbu nikochin no tsuita ha desu. koshu wo chiryo suru tame ni tabako wo yameta ho ga ii desu.
  • お口の中を見せて下さい。タバコを吸いますか?歯石とタバコのヤニでイッパイです。前部ニコチンのついた歯です。口臭を治療するために、タバコを止めた方がいいです。
  • Please show me inside your mouth, please open your mouth. Ah, there is some tartar on your teeth... Oh, you have cavities behind the tartar between these two teeth. Oh, there is any another decay around your filling on upper right posterior teeth.
  • okuchi no kaka wo misete kudasai. saa, okuchi wo akete kudasai. shiseki ga ha ni tsuite masu... are, kono ha to ha no aida ni tsuita shiseki no ushiro ni mushiba ga ari masu. aa, migi ue no oku ba no tsume mono no mawari nimo mushiba ga ari masu.
  • お口の中を見せて下さい。さあ、お口を開けて下さい。歯石が歯についてます。。。あれ、この歯と歯の間についている歯石の後ろに虫歯があります。ああ、右上の奥歯の詰め物の周りにも虫歯があります。


  • When did you visit dentists last? And have your teeth examined lately? And do you have any oral problems?
  • saigo ni itsu haisha san ni iki mashitaka? saikin, ha no kensa wo uketa koto ga arimasuka? okuchi ni mondai ga ari masuka?      
  • 最後にいつ歯医者さんに行きましたか?最近、歯の検査を受けたことがありますか?お口に問題がありますか?


  • I can't stop coughing, there is something in my throat.
  • seki ga tomaranai, nodo ni nanika tukkaeta mitaida.
  • 咳が止まらない、喉に何か詰まったみたいだ。
  • I have a sore throat, maybe my tonsils are swollen, so I've lost my appetite for a week.
  • nodo ga itai, hentosen ga harete iruyodesu, sorede koko isshukan shokuyoku ga arimasen.
  • 喉が痛い。扁桃腺が腫れているようです。それでここ一週間食欲がありません。
  • The meeting room was very dry, so I felt scratchy in my throat, and then I cleared it to start talking.
  • kaigishitsu ga totemo kanso shite itanode, nodo ga igarappoku kanji, sorede hanashi hajimeru tameni seki barai wo shimashita.
  • 会議室がとても乾燥していたので、喉がイガラッポク感じ、それで話し始めるために咳払いをしました。


  • Do you have a Band-Aid? I slashed my thumb while curving a sculpture. Now I understand I am very clumsy.
  • bandoeido aru? chokoku hottetara, oyayubi kicchatta. hontoni bukiyo datte wakatta yo.
  • バンドエイドある?彫刻彫ってたら、親指切っちゃった。本当に不器用だってわかったよ。