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The English Japanese Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institution in Japan. In this page, there are 50 words from WATER to ZAYGOMATIC BONE. Do you know what wig is called in Japanese? You could find the meanings of weariness, weight, whisker, whitehead, wisdom teeth, xerocheilia and so on in Japanese.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

General Words in madical institutions : water → zygomatic bone

English nihongo/ Japanese 日本語
water mizu
water breaks hasui 破水
weariness hiro 疲労
Wednesday suiyobi 水曜日
Wednesday suiyo 水曜
week shu
weekday heijitu 平日
weight taiju 体重
what nani
what time nanji 何時
wheel chair kurumaisu 車椅子
when itsu いつ
where doko どこ
whiplash muchi uchi sho ムチ打ち症
whisker hohohige 頬ひげ
white gold hakukin 白金
whitehead hishi 皮脂
who dare だれ
whose dareno だれの
whooping cough hyakunich izeki 百日咳き
why naze 何故
wig katsura かつら
wiggling ha ga guragura suru 歯がグラグラする
window's peak fujibitai 富士額
wisdom tooth oyashirazu 親知らず
wobbly guragura suru グラグラする
workout undo 運動
wound kega 怪我
wound kizu
wound gaisho 外傷
wound kizuguchi 傷口
wrench nijiru ねじる
wrench hineru ひねる
wrist tekubi 手首
xerocheilia koshin kanso sho 口唇乾燥症
X-ray rentogen レントゲン
X-ray ekkususen エックス線
X-ray room hoshasen shitsu 放射線室
yawn akubi wo suru あくびをする
yeast infection kanjita カンジタ
yellow fever onetsubyo 黄熱病
yesterday kino 昨日
youthful wakawakashi 若々しい
zinc aen 亜鉛
zit nikibi ニキビ
zona taijohoshin 帯状疱疹
zoster taijohoshin 帯状疱疹
zygoma kyokotsu tokki 頬骨突起
zygomatic kyokotsuno 頬骨の
zygomatic bone kyokotsu 頬骨

Sample Sentences


  • Who is your dentist?
  • dochira no haishasan ni kayotte imasuka?
  • どちらの歯医者さんに通っていますか?

wisdom tooth

  • To extract my wisdom tooth, the dentist gave me an injection of anesthesia.
  • oyashirazu wo nuku(basshi suru) tameni, shikaishi wa masui wo chusha shitekuremashita.
  • 親知らずを抜く(抜歯する)ために、歯科医師は麻酔を注射してくれました。


  • This anterior tooth is loose and wobbly.
  • kono maeba wa guragura de nuke sodesu.
  • この前歯はグラグラで抜けそうです。


  • Let's take some exercise to help to lunch settled out. Recently I am gaining much weight, so I've got a double chin, I began workout to lose my weight.
  • hirugohan no hara gonashi ni sukoshi undo wo shimasho. saikin kanari futocchatene, nijuago ni natte shimaimashita. yaseru tame ni undo wo hajime mashita.
  • 昼ごはんの腹ごなしに少し運動をしましょう。最近かなり太っちゃってね、二重顎になってしまいました。痩せるために運動をはじめました。


  • I sometimes bite my tongue and lip at meals, and the bite wounds on them become stomatitis and they hurt me. Do you know any effective medicine to cure my canker sores fast.
  • tokidoki shokuji chu ni shita ya kuchibiru wo kamimasu, sosite kanda kizu ga konaien ni nari watashi wo kurushime masu. konaien wo hayaku naosu tokko yaku wo shirimasenka?
  • 時々食事中に舌や唇を噛みます、そして噛んだ傷が口内炎になり、私を苦しめます。口内炎を早く治す特効薬を知りませんか?
  • The young lady asked to her plastic surgeon to suture her wounds without any scars. She wanted not to leave scars.
  • sono wakai josei wa keisei geka i ni kizuato ga nokoranai yo ni nuu yo ni onegai shimashita. kanojo wa kizu ato wo nokoshitaku nakattanodesu.
  • その若い女性は、形成外科医に傷痕を残さずに縫うように、お願いしました。彼女は傷痕を残したくなかったのです。


  • The dentist takes some X-rays of patients' teeth at the first medical examination.
  • sono shika ishi wa shoshin no sai kanja san no ha no rentogen shashin wo torimasu.
  • その歯科医師は初診の際に患者さんの歯のレントゲン写真をとります。
  • Just to be sure, let me examine with X-ray.
  • nen no tame, rentogende kensa shite mimasho
  • 念のため、レントゲンで検査してみましょう。
  • Now, I'll take some X-rays of your breast. Take a deep breath and hold it.
  • soredewa mune no rentogen shashin wo torimasu. ookiku iki wo sutte, tomete.      
  • それではレントゲン写真を撮ります。大きく息を吸って、とめて。
  • According to the X-ray, gallstones showed up on it.
  • rentogen shashin ni tanseki ga utsutte imasu.      
  • レントゲン写真に、胆石が映っています。

X-ray room

  • We will take your blood to blood test, take your ECG to electrocardiography and take some CT of your head to diagnose with images by them. Now we will take you to the X-ray room on this strectcher.
  • korekara ketsueki kensa no tameni saiketsu wo shi, shindenzu wo tori, atama no CT wo torimasu. Mazu hoshasen shitsu ni sutorecha no mama oture shimasu.
  • これから血液検査、心電図と頭のCTを撮ります。CTを撮るために、ストレッチャーのまま放射線室までお連れ致します。


  • Please put your hands on when you yawn with your mouth wide open.
  • ookina kuchi wo akete akubi wo suru toki niwa kuchi wo tede kakushite kudasai.
  • 大きな口を開けてあくびをする時には、口を手で隠して下さい。
  • Please try to refrain from yawning during the conference.
  • tanomukara kaigityuno akubi wo tsutsushimu yoni shite kudasai
  • 頼むから、会議中のあくびは慎むようにして下さい。


  • Even if you are young, skincare is very importanto to keep youthful and smooth firm skin long.
  • wakakutemo, itumademo wakawakashii, subesubeno, harinoaru adawo tamotsu tameni sukinkea wa taisetsu desu.
  • 若くても、いつまでも若々しいスベスベのハリのある肌を保つために、スキンケアは大切です。


  • My daughter worries about her pimples that would scar her face. Then she avoids to eat sweets and washes her face very carefully. Now I plan to buy some salve effective for zits sold on television shopping for her.
  • musume ha nikibi no ato ga nokoranaika to shinpai siteimasu. sorede amai mono wo tabenai yo ni shite, sosite teineini kao wo aratte imasu. sorede watasi ha terebi shoppingu de utteiru nikibi ni kiku nurigusuri wo kau koto ni shimashita.
  • 娘はニキビの痕が残らないか心配しています。それで甘い物を食べないようにして、そして顔を丁寧に洗っています。それで私もテレビショッピングで売っているニキビに効く塗り薬を買うことにしました。